Preview - Pnom - Particulate Nature Of Matter

Exploration 3 - Follow Up

Referenced Questions

These questions were answered in the previous steps. They are provided here for your reference.

Sketch the Plunger Level graph for the previous run.

Sketch the Sum of Forces line (that appears in the "Forces on Syringe Plunger" graph) from the previous run.


Please answer the questions below.

How do the actions of the particles, both inside and outside of the syringe, lead to a situation where the net force on the plunger is zero during a plunger pull?

When pulling the plunger, at what point are the net forces on the plunger equal to zero?

How do the actions of the particles, both inside and outside of the syringe, lead to a situation where the net force on the plunger is zero during a plunger push?

When pushing the plunger, at what point are the net forces on the plunger equal to zero?

What aspects (if any) of your prediction for the plunger position graph, matched the outcomes in the model?


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.